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Mozaic theater troupe

Bani din cer

Spectacol susținut de trupa de teatru Mozaic a Colgiului Național „Grigore Moisil” în colaborare cu Teatrul Ion Creangă (Eduard Petru Jighirgiu, Daniel Tudorică), în cadrul proiectului Vocea Teatrului Licean Bucureștean, pe scena Teatrului Ion Creangă, 13.05.2023

Smile and move forward!

Performance by the Mozaic theater troupe of the National College "Grigore Moisil" in collaboration with the Ion Creangă Theater (Eduard Petru Jighirgiu, Daniel Tudorică), as part of the Bucharest High School Voice project, on the stage of the Comedy Theatre, 16.05.2023

Smile and move forward!

Performance by the Mozaic theater troupe of the National College "Grigore Moisil" in collaboration with the Ion Creangă Theater (Eduard Petru Jighirgiu, Daniel Tudorică), as part of the Bucharest High School Voice project, on the stage of the Comedy Theatre, 16.05.2023

about the show

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"Smile and go forward!" is a modern adaptation of the folk tale "The Brave Sparrow and the Golden Apples", made by the actor and director Eduard Petru Jighirgiu. Following the initiatory path of the character from the fairy tale, the show combines dramatic elements with music and dance to create a unique theatrical experience.

Praslea becomes a symbolic representation of the contemporary teenager, who faces the different opinions of his parents, the envy and betrayal of his brothers, having to find his own inner balance in a world full of temptations. Arriving in the other realm, the hero fights evil, embodied by kites, but at the same time he must dominate his inner evil (distrust and hopelessness) through the awareness of love and his ability to forgive. Intertextuality, evident by the insertion of elements from Greek mythology or from "Romeo and Juliet", gives depth to the dramatic conflict.


Paremiological discourse constantly reinforces the positive message of the text. To catch the "thief", so to restore the honor of a world that questions the importance of moral values, we must believe in the power of good and win with "soul and mind", not with weapons.

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